In this What’s On section we shall be keeping you up to date with what we have planned at Littlehampton u3a over the coming months but please don’t forget that the weekly Bulletin is also an excellent source of information.

Facebook Group

We have launched a new Facebook Page for Littlehampton u3a. You can now communicate with other members and share ideas and experiences. Use this link button to visit the page:

(All Facebook enquiries to Bryan Bithell, Bulletin and Facebook Page editor)

Would you like to give Barn Dancing a try? This a light-hearted Group and we do like to think that we laugh and dance in equal measure. Therefore, please come and join us for an enjoyable fun evening. All that is needed is a sense of humour.

We walk through the dances every time and we pair people who come alone.

We meet on alternate Monday evenings 19:00 to 21:00 from September through to May in St Catherine’s RC Church Hall, Littlehampton.
Our next session is on Monday 14th October.

For further details please contact:-

Liz Robshaw:
Sally Hennebry:

We are looking for new attenders to join our group. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month 2-4pm in the Quakers meeting house on Church Street.

The photo depicts our wall hanging which we made together with some of the Quakers which was displayed at the town show.

Our Coffee Mornings are held on the second Tuesday of every month between 10.30am and 12.00 noon at the Creative Heart, 42 Beach Road, Littlehampton BN17 5HT. Coffee Mornings are a lively and informal gathering of members and non-members alike. We will have a fun table quiz and we will hear from some of our Group  Leaders about what is happening with their groups. Admission is £3.00 which includes your tea or coffee and a piece of cake, so please come along and join us and join in the fun. Free disc parking is available in nearby car parks. You will need new style parking disc available from town shops.

All meetings start at 2.00pm and are held at The Littlehampton United Church, 1 High Street, Littlehampton BN17 5EG. There is an entrance fee of £3 for members and £4 for guests which includes tea, coffee and biscuits. Please bring your own mug. Free two hour parking (with a parking disc) is available at the adjacent St.Martins car park.  We look forward to seeing you there. 

And looking ahead…

Just a reminder that as a member of Littlehampton u3a you are entitled to join groups that have room for new members at Arun West u3a. The team at Arun West also run a number of events and days out so please check their website by clicking this link and choose the events that you wish to attend.

The u3a Friends Newsletter contains details of a number of discounts and offers available through u3a if you subscribe (free) to the newsletter.